Saturday, October 05, 2013

Science at home - studying Air & Flight

Mike is teaching the science part of the home-schooling program.  Because we are trying to fulfill certain requirements, putting together a science program this year has been more work than usual. Having a life-long interest in flight (living with a bush pilot father helped!), Mike is a good one to teach air and flight.  And some of the experiments are a lot of fun - like learning that if you blow into one straw across the top of another straw which is in a cup of water, the air movement will cause the water level in the bottom straw to rise, because the blowing causes the air pressure to drop in the lower straw, which makes the water rise in the straw.  Got that? :) .

And back to the basic idea of kids and flight, who doesn't love making paper airplanes? This is definitely something that can cross cultural boundaries :) .

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