Sunday, October 13, 2013

Rain... and Sunshine :)

The rains are decreasing in frequency, but we still get "soakers" once in a while.  Then it's time to put the buckets out to collect that "clean water" for our water filter.

Sometimes it's nice just to sit on the porch (after putting bug spray on!) and watch the rain....

The few flowers in the flowerbed seem to stretch their necks out toward the rain.  And if you look closely, you can see a snail - I don't know if he's enjoying the rain, or using the flower as an umbrella :).

The rapidly-growing tomato plants also enjoy the moisture.

 But sunshine is also appreciated.  In fact, there is enough sun some days to do TWO loads of laundry and get them dry on the line - even pillows!! :)

Hanging clothes is made easier by the newly "mown" (hand-cut by a machete by the yard worker) grass :).

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