Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Take a hike!

During the Christmas/New Year's "holidays", a Cameroonian friend of ours served as a guide for a hike to a crater lake a few hours' (yes HOURS, not miles :) ) hike away.  Mike went, as well as one of our guests (who works in the East Region), K, and some of K's friends.  I've walked this path before - when we attended a conference at a village near the lake; but it's been years, so I'll post the pictures with minimal commentary :).

The "path" leads THROUGH a wide river.  In rainy season, this can be fast-flowing, so a group of people holding hands as they wade across is the best way.  When this group went through, the water wasn't very high.

Using a hand-pump water filter to refill water bottles

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