Friday, March 07, 2014

Celebrating, Village Style

Thinking back a few months, the Christmas season in the village can be characterized by:

--a new set of clothing for the children (and if you have one or more children named after you, as I do, you "get" to buy them that new dress!)

--a decorated church

-- lots of children saying memory verses or poems

Our interaction with people brought about these seasonal celebrations:

--K bought his friends each a pair of flip-flops for Christmas :)

 --Of course, we had a feast on Christmas day, thanks to food items brought in (via cocoa truck) by the Friesens and their guests.

 --And guests of ours (after Christmas) made some delicious treats!


kar0ling said...

What, no snowflakes at church? ;)

Scottspiel said...

LOL - no paper snowflakes this year :)