Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Internet comes to Big Bekondo!

It's here!!!! Today we were able to get on-line at our house in Big
Bekondo! We're all celebrating!!!

A furry baby

Holding this baby chimp was a lot of fun! A hunter finally gave some of
our missionary friends permission to give this little gal to a zoo; he
had shot the mother and wanted to sell the baby.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Presenting . . . the first book

The Oroko translators were proud to present a copy of the book of Ruth
in Oroko to the translation consultant, Urs Ernst, and his wife, Gerd.
This is the first complete book of the Bible in Oroko to be published.

Reptile Pets

Here is a picture of Buddy, the chameleon that Jenny had as a pet for a
few weeks. She let him go when he started shedding his skin - in case
we were harming him in some way (diet, etc.). She wants another one soon.