These mini dinosaurs (ok, not really!) have started appearing at our house. K and his friends found the first one in the stand of bamboo at the stream (about a block from our house) when they were cutting down some bamboo for a project.
Thanks to the (limited) internet, we found out it is probably a female Sailfin (or Cameroon Mountain) chameleon.
The second chameleon was a smaller, faster version, but still a female. Some of K's friends brought it - double wrapped in heavy plastic market bags, as most Cameroonians (at least in our area) do not like chameleons, associating them with bad luck or magic. A few days later, a third female chameleon was brought to our porch. Ok, enough! But the kids are really enjoying the chameleons (who are quite content to be handled most of the time) - catching grasshoppers to feed them, misting the greenery in the cage(s) twice daily, etc.
K let the first chameleon (named Emerald, or "Emmy" for short) wander around his room at times; but sometimes she was VERY difficult to find.
All the way up to the top of the mosquito net on the top bunk!
Or up on top of a clothes hanger, which was hanging in his (open) closet.
We probably won't keep all three chameleons (let the newest one go back to the wild?), but for now it means that each of our "kids" here at the home-school group sessions in Bamenda could hold a chameleon while talking to their older sister via Skype :).