Friday, August 15, 2014

Back from the Break...

Our older girls doing dishes in Yaounde;
 C is wearing a "wrapper" as an apron
to protect her clothes from bleach splashes.
No blogging for a few months... part of which can be "blamed" on wonderful times with family!!  More in other posts to (hopefully) come, but I thought I'd put up some quick food pictures for your enjoyment :).
A delicious guava

Plantain chips,
bought from vendors
 coming to the car window

Raw plums - picked by
K and his friends!
Cooked plums - an acquired taste :)

A variety of fruit, sold at our door.  Pineapple, oranges, lemons (bumpy),
and pomelo (which people here call shadok/shadof).

Delicious banana bread
baked by J!
Pink shrimp chips (they also come in white) :)

And the unusual foods....  K's friends showed him some palm grubs they had collected; and after they cooked the grubs, they kindly brought some for K to eat :).  Since I encouraged him to try this new food, I figured that the second time they brought him some (which he graciously accepted and ate), I should be willing to eat one too - and I did :).  Just to say I did....  And then I saw this article which says that these palm grubs may be the answer to world hunger :) . .
Then there is the process of harvesting the egusi which we grew in our garden this year.  The melons were gathered, split open, and left to rot until the seeds were easily removed.  Then the seeds were rinsed off and spread out to dry in the sun.  Ground up, the seeds make a very nutritious addition to sauces etc.

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