Saturday, October 26, 2013


Please welcome the newest member of our family, Artemis, or "Missy" for short.

This cute kitten came to us compliments of our teammates, whose cat had kittens just a few days before we arrived in the village.  We have all enjoyed the kittens loving nature, loud purr, and fun playfulness (still a few litter box issues to get ironed out though!).
 Missy enjoys sleeping on the small blanket L. made for her - we found some squares already crocheted by J, so L. learned how to crochet and made a blanket with the results.  Impressive how quickly kids can learn something :).

 Missy LOVES being on people's shoulders - whether playing with their hair (or their ear!) or watching them do school....  Usually she is NOT allowed in the schoolroom, as she IS a bit of a distraction :).

 As you can see, the kids love her!  And yes, the kids are doing well - learning how to pound fufu, playing hard with their friends, and sleeping soundly through very loud thunderstorms.

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