Sunday, April 20, 2014

Contrasting beliefs at Easter

"He is risen."

"He is risen indeed!"

These are welcome words, reminding us of the reason for our Hope.

And yes, we have our Easter traditions of decorating eggs and hiding/finding eggs.

Here in the village, another tradition reminds us of the false hope of many religions.  During this school break, the "jujus" (young men boys covered from head to ankle in a variety of costumes, meant to represent the spirit world of African Traditional Religion) have come out.  And there are many young men who see nothing wrong with sitting in church (and participating) on Sunday morning, and wearing a juju costume (and chasing people) on Monday.

And yet there are people, like our kids' friends, who requested to see the Jesus Film (for Children) this weekend.  It was very encouraging to overhear some of them out on the porch afterward, discussing Jesus vs Satan, jujus, etc.  They are old enough to think this through for themselves; pray that they would have wisdom and discernment, these future leaders!!

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