Saturday, September 14, 2013

Taking it as it comes...

 We never know what a day will bring - flexibility is the name of this game, and the kids are playing along really well.  Kenneth's friends will drop by, and he'll go out and spend a couple hours playing "football" in our back yard "field" with them, coming in muddy and dripping with sweat.

This is the same back yard that contains the grave of our landlord.  The tiled-over grave has now become even bigger as the relatives have built a small building to protect the grave from goats etc.

As we continue to unpack the belongings that have been stored for 5 years, we don't know what is waiting for us under the flap of the next box.  Will it be rusty sewing pins?  Or Tupperware that is cracked or multi-colored from age and weather?

When we hear rustling in the kitchen, is it just a friendly gecko trying to find bugs to eat, or is it a mouse trying to eat through the plastic containers?  Note that a regular mouse trap seems mighty small for these mice; good thing it caught him on the nose and basically suffocated him!  We're looking forward to the time when our teammates' kittens are grown enough to leave their mother - we will be glad to welcome one of them into our household!

It seems like there are always adventures around the corner.  Kenneth and Laura now come running when I call them, as they know it is usually some novelty like this big ant (that's an adult fingernail, so the ant has to be at least 1" long).  What will show up tomorrow?

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