Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ok, now it's time to talk about Yaoundé.  Yes, it's a city (and I am NOT a city girl!), but there is still  beauty.

A Kingfisher outside my window


Some are perhaps not so beautiful, but are still interesting...
Jackfruit - yes, it's edible, but it wasn't ours to eat :).
A parasitic plant growing way up in a tall tree.

Our kids have really been enjoying the "back to nature" part of living here, including handling all kinds of creepy crawlies.  These two worm snakes (yes, you read correctly - SNAKES!  But they are harmless, and lots of fun to play with!) are Laura's favorites so far.


Unknown said...

Hmmm. Maybe I'll leave the snakes to Laura. No matter how small....

Scottspiel said...

LOL. Edna, you might surprise yourself - come and try :).